
One of the biggest roadblocks today in people’s pursuit of better health is often something we overlook. More and more people today are having issues with their health and they can’t seem to pinpoint that nagging cause of their problems. The cause may be food allergies they didn’t know they had. If one parent has allergies then one in every four of his or her offspring will have some allergies as well. Red cheeks, red ears, lack of alertness, eye wrinkles, aggression, blowing your nose all the time and those dark circles under your eyes can all be a sign that you are allergic to something. Ever see a child constantly pushing upwards on their nose? This is probably an allergy to milk products. Take a look at your tongue. If it is mottled or looks like a map of the world you may be eating something that your body is allergic to.

Other signs are puffiness under the eyes, diarrhea, insomnia, asthma attacks, fatigue, anxiety, constipation, hives, cramping and even bloating and swelling.

There are other parts of the body that can be affected by allergies. Unfortunately these are not always suspected, recognized or even agreed upon. Often parents are told that their children’s complaints couldn’t be an allergic reaction.

Food allergies and sensitivities are on the rise, due to environmental degradation, chemicals and the reliance on the Five New Food Groups, Fast, Frozen, Fried Junk and Processed. Yet it so often goes undetected. Food allergies can be immediate or delayed (90- to 95% of immune reactions to foods are delayed symptoms onset food allergies) so trying to figure out what it is, can be tricky.

One of the classic forms of testing is known as a skin prick test. Here a doctor pricks your skin using about 100 different food substances and then they observe the reaction 15 minutes later. The shortfall of this type of testing is that foods being tested will show a reaction from 6 to 48 hours later, rendering the test incomplete.

There is an alternative diagnostic tool for determining allergies – and that is an elimination diet. This method is good but it is also very time consuming.

Another way and one of the best methods I have found to determine if you are eating foods that you are allergic to, is known as an ELISA Test (Enzyme–Linked Immunosorbent Assay). This test is done by a practitioner who effortlessly draws four drops of blood from your finger, and has it tested for 96 different foods. There are seven categories of foods which are Dairy, Meat/Fowl, Seafood, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts and Grains and Miscellaneous such as coffee, sugar and yeast. The assay is specifically designed to detect circulation food specific immunoglobulin known as IgG and IgA. Once the test is complete you get a personalized report of the foods that you are allergic to or you have food sensitivities and to which degree.

My clients who have used the ELISA test are thrilled with the results as their symptoms are quick to subside. This can change your life so that you can become more content, happy and free of symptoms. Weight management is the biggest bonus as once these foods are eliminated your body almost always sheds those last pounds that you have struggled with for so long.

Happy Healthy Allergy Free New Year!

Jane Durst Pulkys

The holiday season is a great time of year. The stores are abuzz with people. Beautiful lights, trees and decorations abound.

Meeting old friends and getting together and sharing a meal are what this season is all about.   And that adds up to lots of parties and lots of food. They say the average person gains between five to seven pounds over the holidays, but that doesn’t have to be you!

How would you like to sail through the holidays without the extra worry and without the anxiety of having to watch what you eat? We know that everything in life is about balance. Developing some of these new habits will ensure that this holiday won’t leave you bloated and sorry that you had too many glasses of eggnog.

Here are my TEN TOP TIPS to have the merriest, healthiest season ever…without dieting!

1) You have heard it before, but drinking water is essential for maintaining a healthy weight. Water fills you up, curbs your appetite and clears toxins out of your body. Salty foods, eaten as a main staple at this time of year will cause your body to retain water. To determine the quantity of water you need: take your body weight, divide that number in half and convert to ounces. That is how much water your need to drink each day. For example, a 150 lb. person requires 75 ounces of water or 9 eight ounce glasses.

2) You’re at the party and there are so many appetizers to choose from. What to do? First, never go to a party with a voracious appetite. You’ll wind up eating all those little pastries filled with a lot of calories. Before you leave the house, eat some lean protein and you will easily avoid consuming all those tasty treats. I like to have some chicken, fish, or some almonds before I leave my home. Protein makes you feel satisfied very quickly. Avoid low fat foods. They are not filling and won’t make you feel satisfied.

3) If you are starving when you get to the party, go straight to the veggie table. Load up on those colourful veggies; there loaded with fibre and you’ll feel full fast, not to mention that they contain so many health giving properties.

4) Avoid all the white and beige foods:  Beige foods are trouble for anyone wanting to keep weight off. Those are the foods containing the high caloric calories. Instead eat 3 fruits and 7 veggies throughout your day. You will feel full and satisfied.

5) Start your day with a half a lemon squeezed in a glass of water. This gives you a hit of vitamin C, is detoxifying, and alkalizing. The more you drink, the healthier you will feel. The healthier you feel; the better food choices you make.

6) Have a BIG salad at lunch, topped with lots of protein. When dinner time comes around, you naturally won’t want to eat as much

7) If your indulging in alcohol, have one glass of water between each drink and you will drink less. Diet pop can actually cause you to gain weight, so avoid it and have some nice bubbly water

8) Start your day with a shake. Combine.2 tbsp. of ground flax seeds, 2 tbsp. of flax oil, a banana, half cup of berries and some protein powder and water in your blender. You will feel full and it will keep your bowels moving, an important element in weight loss.

9) Take a digestive enzyme at each meal and you won’t feel bloated and won’t suffer from gas. Enzymes help break your food down so your stomach doesn’t have to work as hard.

10) YES it is still really important to exercise every day.  Exercise keeps your metabolism humming and helps to burn those extra calories. My favorite is Hot Yoga because it aides in detoxification, and can burn upwards of 1200 calories in one class. You will feel fantastic!! Even a one hour walk a day is perfect.

Have a happy, healthy holiday season. Wishing you and your family health and happiness!

Jane Durst Pulkys BSc., CNP., RNCP
Holistic Nutritionist


Jane Durst Pulkys presents Toronto’s leading Live Blood Cell Microscopy Training program.
With 12 years experience as a holistic nutritionist and live blood cell analyst, Jane teaches health practitioners and those new to the health  profession how to incorporate live blood cell microscopy into their practices to use as a diagnostic aid.
Live blood cell microscopy, is a process where the practitioner takes a small sample of blood from a patients finger tip and then displays it on a monitor using a high powered dark field microscope. The practitioner is then able to see over 50 aspects of an individuals health and make dietary and supplemental recommendations to help improvement the state of a clients health.
In Jane’s 2 day intensive course, participants become completely certified in Life Blood Cell Microscopy and learn everything they need to know in order to fully integrate live cell analysis into their practice successfully.

For more information or to register for Jane’s next course dates visit

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from and this is video 4 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 4th video I talk about the heart chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 4. The heart chakra sits in the centre of your chest and involves your heart, lungs and breast. This chakra is the centre of love.  Your heart chakra can be affected if you have ever experienced death, divorce, grief, rejection, betrayal or abandonment. If this happens and this chakra is out of balance then these people can become needy, jealous, codependent, hard on themselves and others, and depressed. Some of the physical conditions related to this chakra are anxiety, asthma, lung problems, breathing difficulties, high blood pressure, and an irregular heartbeat.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the heart chakra including what foods to eat and the activities you can do.

As a nutritionist and psychosomatic energy therapist, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process.

Stay tuned next week for video 5 where I discuss the throat chakra, the centre of communication and self expression.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit:

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from and this is video 3 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 3rd video I talk about the solar plexus chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 3. The solar plexus involves your stomach, liver, gallbladder and your pancreas. Your solar plexus chakra becomes effected if you have grown up with too much or too little responsibility, have had a fear of punishment or if your will was taken away. If this happens and this chakra is out of balance then these people can become a work-a-holic, controlling, competitive, aggressive, bad digestion, fear of loneliness. Some of the physical conditions related to this chakra are eating disorders such as anorexia or belemia, ulsers, diabetes, and digestive issues.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the solar plexus chakra including what foods to eat and activities you can do.

As a nutritionist and energy healer, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which then assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process, which is why I want to share this important information with you.

Stay tuned next week for video 4 on the heart chakra, otherwise known as chakra 4.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit:

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from and this is video 2 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series. If you didn’t watch video 1 then you can watch is here!

In this 2nd video I talk about the sacral chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 2. The sacral chakra lies in the area of your lower abdomen, and involves your kidney, bladder, reproductive organs and your adrenal glands. It gets affected if you have ever suffered from abuse of any kind, or if your feelings have been denied. If this happens and this chakra is out of balance then these people can become controlling, emotionally needy or fearful of change.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the sacral chakra including what foods to eat and activities you can do.

As a nutritionist and energy healer, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges. In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras which then assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance. My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process, which is why I want to share this important information with you.

Stay tuned next week for video 3 on the Solar Plexus Chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 3.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit:

The first time I met Joanne, she was overweight, sad, depressed and having financial problems. I had just launched my holistic practice and was discovering ways to successfully help people heal themselves. As our first session wound to a close, I gave Joanne an exercise as homework: For the next 6 weeks, she was to say, ‘I love myself’, ‘I love myself’, ‘I love myself’, as often as possible.

Joanne left with a little smile on her face. Six weeks later, when she walked in to my office, I honestly didn’t recognize her. She had lost 25 lbs. and was radiant. I asked her what she’d done to transform herself to that degree, completely forgetting the exercise I’d given her. When she told me how religiously she’d done her homework, I was blown away by the results and began to use the mantra on myself.

Nikki, another client, was a beautiful hair dresser, full of confidence and looked absolutely amazing. When I enquired about her history, she told me that she used to have low self-esteem. One day, she’d decided that from then on, she’d put on her best clothes every day. Hmm I thought I should try that as well. Within a few days, of donning my best clothes every day, people began to complement me on my appearance. At the same time, I was using my affirmation, ‘I love myself’. I felt that my cells were being changed with my new affirmation.

Then came Victoria. She’s a long-time friend with a lot of confidence. Several of us went on a trip to Jamaica. The first morning, we were putting on our bathing suits to go out to the beach. I came out in a one piece, but Victoria, who is a large woman, sauntered out in a bikini. She strutted down the beach looking stunning, radiant and confident. I thought to myself, why don’t I feel that way? Although, I was extremely disciplined and did some form of exercise every day, I realized I was very critical with myself. After observing Victoria, I decided from then on, I was going to enjoy my body and love it, warts and all.

Then I met Madeline. Madeline, a student of mine told me she lived every day like it was her birthday. Each day, she dressed as if she was celebrating her special day and because it was her birthday, she adopted a feeling of being special, just as one does on their birthday. As Madeline continued to apply her ‘birthday technique’ a deep love for herself developed. After, discovering Madeleine’s secret, I too began to live each day like it was my birthday.

Sometime later, after saying I love myself all day every day, and wearing my best clothes every day, and living each day like it was my birthday, it happened. Finally, I truly loved myself! I am not perfect, but I love and respect myself.

I have a personal motto that fits with all I’ve learned from these four women: People have to help me grow or they have to go! And because of this, I surround myself with people like Joanne, Nikki, Victoria and Madeline.

Robyn Sharma is one of my favorite authors. He says that there are no extra people on earth. Everyone matters. Everyone has a purpose. Reading these words was the icing on the cake; I love myself and know that I along with every human being am special and unique.

What I learned from these amazing women can be applied by anyone. Try these techniques and you will be surprised by the results; I was. The changes will not happen overnight, but one day you will look in the mirror and discover you truly love yourself too!

In health,

Jane Durst Pulkys, BSc., R.N.C.P., C.N.P.

Jane Durst Pulkys,, talks about the 5 winning daily practices for maintaining a healthy body weight.

In her video Jane explores the 5 key daily components that the successful people use to keep themselves at their optimal body weight; nutrition, exercise, hydration, sleep and stress management. Jane gives easy to follow tips for each practice to help viewers easily incorporate these essential habits into their daily lives.

There is a secret to achieving optimal health. People think that if they simply take care of their physical body by eating right and exercising, all will be well. However, what most individuals fail to realize is the importance of supporting the emotional, body a subtler body then the physical. Unless both the physical and emotional aspects of our health are supported equally, optimal health can’t be realized.

Every person you meet, everything you eat, everything you do has either a positive, negative, or neutral influence on the body. For example, have you ever gone for lunch with someone and left the meeting completely exhausted? What has happened here is that they have depleted your energy, and can affect you for the rest of the day or longer.  We can compare this to our finances: Say you had $100 per day to use as you wish. You could give your money away, allow people to steal it, or save it for yourself. For optimal health we want to treat our energy the way we would treat the $100 and save it for ourselves to increase our personal vitality, continuously giving it away or allowing it to be stolen would not be living optimally.

There are 7 energy centres along your spine whose job it is to store information at a cellular level. The health of these centres ultimately effects how the cells in our body function. One of the centres or third chakra or is located in the stomach area. This energy centre affects the health of the stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Emotionally, this area represents our self-esteem and personal power, and is affected by experiences either positive or negative.

Dynamics from family environment impact the health of these centres. Growing up with too much or not enough responsibility, fear of punishment, lack of free will, can result in an imbalance in our centres referred to as excess or inadequate. Repercussions from an imbalance in the power column of our third energy centre can include: stomach or liver problems; type-A personality; aggressiveness; angry, arrogant, or competitive behaviours; poor digestion, low self-esteem, or a fear of loneliness.

To correct imbalances in the 7 centres, Jane Pulkys works with a system called Psychosomatic Energetic Testing. This state of the art system, tests for weaknesses in any of the 7 chakra centres and identifies remedies for specific symptoms which correlate to the specific chakra involved.  The remedies balance and remove interferences at a cellular level. This system is simple, easy and effective. It restores the body to its natural balanced state and restores health to 100% vitality. [fullWidth][/fullWidth][outerOneHalf][/outerOneHalf]

Ever wonder why people have so much pain and they simply don’t feel well. Well it’s no wonder since we live in a world where Dairy is the Queen and Burger is the King.

Of course we also have our Five New Food Groups- frozen, fast, fried, junk and processed. All of  these foods just add up to chronic inflammation. They have no water, enzymes, minerals, fibre and vitamins. Your body is meant to eat foods that have come from  Garden of Eden.

Let’s look at our typical diet.  Breakfast… coffee, creme and sugar, followed by a white bagel and creme cheese. Lunch is a fried white rice dish with some chicken. Dinner is pizza and garlic bread because you are in a hurry and need to get the kids to baseball.

All of what you ate is going to cause inflammation.Why, because these foods are acid forming. Translation they create an acidic body. They lack minerals which are the catalyst to all biological activities. Inflammatory foods are the white ones mostly. Bagels, pancakes, white bread, candies, pop, donuts, muffins, pizza and potato chips.

Your body has a very difficult time knowing  just what to do with these foods. Not to mention you are supposed to have a bowel movement every day in less than 20 seconds!

So when you consume these foods on a regular basis they cause acidity and remember it is what you do 80% of the time that matters most to avoid chronic inflammation. Eighty per cent of your diet is supposed to be alkaline.  Eating 5 fruits and 7 vegetable servings a day is a sure way to keep your body alkaline and reduce inflammation. This does not mean that meat is bad it simply means that we need to eat more whole foods in their most natural state.

I like to say if man made it don’t eat it. If  it comes in a bag, box, pick up window don’t eat it.If  it has a bar code don’t eat it!  So what else can we do?

Introducing Betalains…..they are polyphenols, nitrogen containing water soluble pigments often red purple called beta-cyanins. English please… the red dye found in beets are highly effective in repairing and stabilizing human cells, acting as antioxidants and improving health in general.

Betalains have an anti inflammatory effect on the body. Even Dr. Oz is talking about them. Eating them in a concentrate has been proven to increase energy by 122% and reduce inflammation by 47%. Now those are great numbers . You can eat them every day or take a pill which has the concentrate of 400 beets in one pill. That is a lot of Betalains. My favorite product is Limitless. A tiny pill only containing  the highest amounts of Betalians.

Next Blog….Just What Does Your Body Need To Thrive…?