IgG Food Allergy Testing

Know Your Options

IgG testing is a method to detect if you have ‘food allergy’, ‘food intolerance’ or ‘food sensitivity/hypersensitivity’.

What does this mean? – these sensitivities mean an abnormal reaction to certain foods which can manifest themselves in a number of different ways. They may result from mechanisms that involve activation of the immune system, and the production of antibodies, or reactions that are not immune-mediated. Reactions that trigger an immune response are most often referred to as ‘allergies’ and occur when the body over-reacts to foods that do not usually produce a response in the majority of people. This overreaction triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to attack the ‘foreign’ food proteins which the immune system recognizes as a threat.

Health Food Sensitivity Test

The Health Food Sensitivity Test is performed using state-of-the-art technology.

Originally invented for studying DNA and gene expression, this microarray technology has now been extended to Food Sensitivity testing. The Health Food Sensitivity test is a sensitive and accurate technique that can better detect the presence of IgG food-specific antibodies to over 200 commonly eaten foods.

As part of a quality program, samples are analyzed in duplicates. Results are also semi quantitative, allowing a measure of specific food sensitivities. The flexibility of the testing system permits a number of different panels to be offered.

Increasing Importance of Food Sensitivity

Adverse reactions to foods are causing increasingly more health problems. Approximately 5% of the population is affected by a food allergy, which produces an immediate onset of the symptoms often associated with a ‘allergic response’. However, it is estimated that more than 40% of the population have a delayed type of reaction, which occurs several hours or days after a food is consumed. The delay in the appearance of symptoms, makes it difficult to determine which foods could be considered as the trigger of the health problem.

Link to Chronic Complaints

If the small intestine becomes damaged (e.g. by stress, infections and / or medicines), partially digested foods can reach the blood stream. Certain areas of these foods are recognized as ‘antigens’ by the immune system and special IgG antibodies are formed against them. These IgG antibodies bind to the specific food proteins to form immune complexes, which can accumulate in joints, organs and the vascular system. Immune complexes are disseminated by an inflammatory reaction. If this recurs frequently, it can lead to a chronic process and subsequent health conditions.

Common symptoms include:

  • Chronic gastro-intestinal problems: irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, bloating
  • Skin problems: itching and psoriasis
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Hypertension
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Weight control
  • Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
  • Attention deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Arthritis

Price: $439

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