Natural Cures Blog by Jane Durst Pulkys

Ever wonder why people have so much pain and they simply don’t feel well. Well it’s no wonder since we live in a world where Dairy is the Queen and Burger is the King.

Of course we also have our Five New Food Groups- frozen, fast, fried, junk and processed. All of  these foods just add up to chronic inflammation. They have no water, enzymes, minerals, fibre and vitamins. Your body is meant to eat foods that have come from  Garden of Eden.

Let’s look at our typical diet.  Breakfast… coffee, creme and sugar, followed by a white bagel and creme cheese. Lunch is a fried white rice dish with some chicken. Dinner is pizza and garlic bread because you are in a hurry and need to get the kids to baseball.

All of what you ate is going to cause inflammation.Why, because these foods are acid forming. Translation they create an acidic body. They lack minerals which are the catalyst to all biological activities. Inflammatory foods are the white ones mostly. Bagels, pancakes, white bread, candies, pop, donuts, muffins, pizza and potato chips.

Your body has a very difficult time knowing  just what to do with these foods. Not to mention you are supposed to have a bowel movement every day in less than 20 seconds!

So when you consume these foods on a regular basis they cause acidity and remember it is what you do 80% of the time that matters most to avoid chronic inflammation. Eighty per cent of your diet is supposed to be alkaline.  Eating 5 fruits and 7 vegetable servings a day is a sure way to keep your body alkaline and reduce inflammation. This does not mean that meat is bad it simply means that we need to eat more whole foods in their most natural state.

I like to say if man made it don’t eat it. If  it comes in a bag, box, pick up window don’t eat it.If  it has a bar code don’t eat it!  So what else can we do?

Introducing Betalains…..they are polyphenols, nitrogen containing water soluble pigments often red purple called beta-cyanins. English please… the red dye found in beets are highly effective in repairing and stabilizing human cells, acting as antioxidants and improving health in general.

Betalains have an anti inflammatory effect on the body. Even Dr. Oz is talking about them. Eating them in a concentrate has been proven to increase energy by 122% and reduce inflammation by 47%. Now those are great numbers . You can eat them every day or take a pill which has the concentrate of 400 beets in one pill. That is a lot of Betalains. My favorite product is Limitless. A tiny pill only containing  the highest amounts of Betalians.

Next Blog….Just What Does Your Body Need To Thrive…?

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