
Has anyone ever given you a compliment and you immediately brushed it off as quickly as it came? The person may simply have been admiring something that they found positive in you, yet we are all too fast to dismiss the kind words. Or worse – we end up in a more negative state then we started off in!

This often leaves the other person puzzled as they were truly speaking from their heart. How come so many of us have so much trouble accepting compliments – and how can we take away something positive from these experiences? We have all had so many experiences in life that leave us jaded, and at these times most of us are really our own worst enemy. Without the right attitude, a positive intent can quickly turn negative and rob us of our vitality and our confidence. That doesn’t sound right – does it?

Wouldn’t it just be great if we could say “thank you” and truly believe it? Well you can. The next time you hear someone say to you, “I love your hair”, don’t run your hands through it and say something like “oh I haven’t washed it for a week,” just say thank you! At first you still may not find their words to be genuine or you may innately reject them off the bat, but the more you say thank you the more a funny thing begins to happen; A deep part of your self hears it and you start to feel good! And when you feel good you shine and radiate energy, leading to a snowball effect of positive emotions. Who doesn’t want that?

Like most people, I personally used to have a terrible time accepting compliments. The turning point was during a trip to the Caribbean; My family had just given up our dream home when a close friend invited me and paid for a vacation to Jamaica. One day while I was there, I decided to go mellow out and relax at the spa. I wanted to treat myself but money was tight, and when I got up to leave my friend came in and informed me that the bill was paid for. Of course my first reaction was to dismiss this and say no – he had already done way too much. However, he simply put up his hand and said to me, “Jane, just say thank you”… and so I did.  I realized that by saying no to the gift I was only holding myself back. When we brush off compliments and acts of generosity we are only doing ourselves more harm than good. I realized that I had been doing this my entire life. Are we really meant to turn these things away?

We can all easily compliment others – We’ve all heard people say: “You made my day!” Every so often we’ll compliment someone who knows how to take it, and we’ll see them wiggle with joy. Well it is your turn. Many of us probably don’t even realize how many nice things are actually said to us – we tune them out and dismiss them.

Well friends, I challenge you to make a change and start reaping the benefits of feeling good! Today is a new day. Ask yourself how confident you are from one to ten. If you are not at the top and you have an issue accepting compliments, then start by saying “thank you” and watch what happens. Lastly start complimenting others – Words carry energy and have a tremendous ripple effect. By bringing a light to someone else’s day you can also brighten yours.

You are perfect just the way you are… just say thank you!

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from and this is the final video in my video series, ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres.’

In this final video I talk about the Crown Chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 7. The Crown Chakra is located at the very top of your head and is the beginning of the flow of energy that is channeled through all of the chakra energy centres.

If you experience forced religion, blind obedience, or you had information withheld or mis-communicated to you then this chakra can be put out of balance, creating emotional, mental or physical problems within the body.

If you experienced any of these things and your Crow Chakra is deficient or in excess energy then you can become dominating, have cognitive disorders, or be disconnected from your body.

Some of the physical symptoms associated with the Crown Chakra can be; migraines, right eye problems, learning difficulties, or problems with your brain.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the Crown Chakra.

As a nutritionist and psychosomatic energy therapist, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges. In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance. My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit:


Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from and this is video 5 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 5th video I talk about the throat chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 5. The throat chakra sits in the centre of your throat and is the centre of self-expression and communication. The throat chakra can be affected if you have ever experienced emotional abuse, have been criticized a lot, you were surrounded by drug or alcohol abuse or you had to hold secrets in for a long time. If any of these things happen and your throat chakra is out of balance then you may be prone to excessive talking, have a dominating or weak voice, be shy or afraid to speak. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the throat chakra are thyroid problems, soar throat, frequent colds, fever blisters on your mouth and acne under your chin.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the throat chakra including an affirmation by Louis Hay.

As a nutritionist and psychosomatic energy therapist, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process.

Stay tuned next week for video 6 where I discuss the brow chakra, the centre of intuition and spiritual sight.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit:

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from and this is video 3 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 3rd video I talk about the solar plexus chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 3. The solar plexus involves your stomach, liver, gallbladder and your pancreas. Your solar plexus chakra becomes effected if you have grown up with too much or too little responsibility, have had a fear of punishment or if your will was taken away. If this happens and this chakra is out of balance then these people can become a work-a-holic, controlling, competitive, aggressive, bad digestion, fear of loneliness. Some of the physical conditions related to this chakra are eating disorders such as anorexia or belemia, ulsers, diabetes, and digestive issues.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the solar plexus chakra including what foods to eat and activities you can do.

As a nutritionist and energy healer, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which then assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process, which is why I want to share this important information with you.

Stay tuned next week for video 4 on the heart chakra, otherwise known as chakra 4.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit:

I have seen many miracles in my life, but never one quite so amazing as the day a monkey appeared on a car windshield outside of my office in Toronto, Canada.

Karen and I first met when she was in her early 20’s.  She was a beautiful girl, but the traumas she’d suffered, had left her with an eating disorder, low self-esteem and instability in her career.  She’d been jumping from job to job, searching for “something to fill the void” deep inside of her.

My job as a healer was to help her heal her past and provide tools and guidance to lead her to a joyous life.

In our initial meeting, I learned her early childhood had seen abuse, neglect, and instability. Her parents, dealing with their own insecurities, often neglected and blamed Karen, even for her own mothers attempted suicide.

During our sessions, I recommended various exercises, countless inspirational books, numerous affirmations and suggested several inspirational movies for her to watch. She loved participating and I loved being a part of her healing journey.  After several sessions, Karen was making huge progress and a beautiful new person was emerging.

Then one day an amazing event occurred; some might even call it a miracle.

Karen arrived at my office around 4pm. As we began to chat, it occurred to her that she’d parked in the rush hour lane, on the street close to where my office was located and that her car was certain to be towed away if she didn’t move it immediately.  She rushed out of the office to do just that.  Sometime later, Karen emerged at the door of my office, grinning from ear to ear. In her hands was a big stuffed monkey!

Stunned I asked her, what had happened to cause this sudden change in her demeanor?

Karen began to tell me about the special relationship that she had with her grandfather as a child. She’d loved him immensely; they shared a very close bond.  He was the only person who made her feel safe and secure.   Once when on a family trip to California, her grandfather bought Karen a two- foot long, stuffed monkey, which immediately became very dear to her. For the first two weeks of vacation she carried the monkey everywhere with her, and then one afternoon it disappeared.

Her grandfather went to the front desk to report the lost item. The manager put out an, ‘all-points bulletin’ for the lost monkey, but unfortunately, it was never found. Karen was heartbroken and never forgot about the lost toy.

Her grandfather died several years later, but his memory was always close in her mind.

‘Jane, someone left this monkey on the hood of my car, and it is exactly like the one my grandfather bought me.’  She said.

I offered her this perspective: “I believe the universe was sending you a sign from your Grandfather; letting you know that he loves you and you are on the right path. Some might even call this, a miracle.”

Each one of us receives divine guidance constantly, whether we know it or not. Sometimes, when we have done the work to change our perspective, a gift is given to us in the form of a miracle. Miracles occur because we have earned them and are willing to recognize them.

Karen’s monkey was the miracle she needed to bring closure to an event in her life, and to show her that she was cared for by this divine presence.

The universe is ALWAYS guiding, teaching and blessing us. It is up to us recognize and have gratitude for the gifts we receive from this universal force.

If you want to experience a miracle in your life, practice gratitude for every little thing you receive.  Begin to look at life through eyes that see the good in others. Forgive others for past hurts. As you change your consciousness, you’ll begin to recognize that miracles are all around you.

“The real skill is to raise the sails and to catch the power of the wind as it passes by.” Thomas Berry


Hey everyone!

This video talks about a topic very dear to my heart.

Others often ask me what makes me different. Let me try to explain what I believe this difference is.

In essence, I believe there is a Universal energy that exists, which is available to all people at all times. Some people refer this energy as the Life Force, Prana, or Spirit.

I also believe that there is a way to connect with this “Energy” and to utilize it to help us in our day-to-day lives.

Watch this video to learn about how I have been connecting to this vital source of energy over the last 30 years and the difference it has made in my life.



Even as children, we learn important life lessons that carry us through our lives. I was eleven years old, and sitting on the dock at the cottage our family was renting that summer, when I saw a seagull flying over the water looking for food. I was totally fascinated when from way up in the sky the bird came down with an incredible splash and flew up with a prized fish in its mouth. I sat there in amazement at the birds focus and by its ability to see the fish below the surface of the water from such a distance.

This small but important moment was a turning point in my life. What I learned stayed with me until adulthood: If I want something, I must keep it in my sight and be totally focused on the end goal; otherwise it will get away.

Many years later, I heard someone say that your thoughts go out into the universe and come back to you manifesting in your life as reality. This concept, that what you think is what you attract, rang true for me and has since proven itself to be an exceedingly important principle to live by. Time and time again this philosophy has shown itself to be true and is now a defining principle that underlies how I approach all of my goals, actions and choices.

So what practices can you use to go after your dreams as directly as the seagull did his dinner?

Here are the steps I consistently use to make my dreams a reality:

1. Begin with writing down your goal: Writing things down gives them strength and cements them into your consciousness.

2. Create a picture of what you want in your mind’s eye and visualize yourself in the state of completion: How does it feel, taste, sound? Where will you be when this occurs; what will you be doing?

3. Get really creative and infuse the goal with all of your emotions and creative energy: You may choose to create a vision board to help you stay focused on the end result.

4. Finally surrender your goal and let it go. You have to trust that it will show up in the best way possible; perhaps in a way that’s slightly different then you pictured.

Now that the Olympics are taking place in England, we see numerous examples of the discipline it takes to achieve a long-held goal. An athlete, who wins a gold medal, may have spent years visualizing themselves on the podium holding that precious medal. And of course they had a teacher or mentor to show them where they needed improvement. And, you can be sure that the athlete had an unwavering sense of self-worth.

Another important point for anyone who truly wants success is: You are the company you keep; so surround yourself with people who are positive and successful. The energy of successful people rubs off and supports you in your quest. And after you have achieved your goal, remember to keep an attitude of gratitude for all you have been given. Never doubt that you deserve the very best, as the universe is always working on your behalf.

I like to say: Life is like a restaurant; you have to put your order in. Always expect the best and above all, never, ever give up.

I’ve had many opportunities since that time as an eleven year old, to test the principles of success I learned from my friend the seagull and because of that, I now live a life of incredible success and joy. Try these principles out for yourself and see how your life changes for the better. I promise you’ll even surprise yourself.

In health,

Jane Durst – Pulkys, BSc., R.N.C.P., C.N.P


Hi, Jane Durst Pulkys here, Toronto’s leading holistic nutritionist and health expert. In this video I talk about diets and why they don’t work. My interpretation of the word D.I.E.T. is “Doomed Investment Every Time”. People consistently fail at dieting and losing weight long term because they don’t make healthy eating and living a central part of their lifestyle. 

What I recommend people do is to follow the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule means that what matters most is what you do 80% of the time. So what you do is eat amazing, health rich foods 80% of the time and then give yourself a 20% window to eat some of the treats you enjoy. This makes it so that you don’t completely deprive yourself and maintain balance while leading a healthier lifestyle.

Jane Durst Pulkys,, talks about the 5 winning daily practices for maintaining a healthy body weight.

In her video Jane explores the 5 key daily components that the successful people use to keep themselves at their optimal body weight; nutrition, exercise, hydration, sleep and stress management. Jane gives easy to follow tips for each practice to help viewers easily incorporate these essential habits into their daily lives.

Standing in the women’s change room at the local health club, I watched a woman climb on to the bathroom scale. Her mouth flew open as she read the numbers and her hand clasped her mouth. Deflated she slowly climbed off and walked away with a distraught look on her face. I knew in that moment her day had been ruined by the number she’d seen on the scale. If only she knew the real secret to weight loss. For the last century people have spent millions of dollars to achieve the perfect weight and it doesn’t work!

We have become so obsessed by calories, low fat, high fibre, low carbs and diets galore. What if this had nothing to do with weight loss? Imagine never counting another calorie for the rest of your life and achieving the perfect weight? Well you can and it is simple.

The Secret is not food, it is habits. Take a look at the people in your life who look like they never have to worry about their weight. They make it look easy and they can eat pretty much eat anything they want. How is that possible? They have a secret. They practice daily habits that ensure they never have to go on a diet. Starting with these daily habits right now can ensure that you are on the road to success. You’re never too old

, never too late, never too overweight, and never too sick to change your habits.

What are the habits I’m talking about? Number one,
these people drink between five and eight glasses of water; no pop, juice or milk (that is for infants). They avoid the five new food groups which are fast, frozen, fried, junk and processed. These people have a diet mostly devoid of white foods such as bagels, muffins, cookies, donuts, pancake and white bread. What they do eat is five fruits and seven veggies every day. Who ever said fruit was fattening? By eating whole, live foods they feel satisfied because foods rich in minerals are what your cells actually crave. Also, these people enjoy meat, chicken, eggs, nuts seeds and whole grains. When on the run they look for fresh foods, not food that comes in a bag, box or pick up window. When they travel they bring along green drinks and nut bars so that they don’t have to eat the processed food that they are usually faced with.

They get up early so that they can plan their day. Exercise is definitely part of their daily regime. It is not an endurance test for them but something they really enjoy doing and their secret is that they have planned the night before what they will be eating and doing the next day. They exercise almost every day. They believe in balance and if they take time off to balance themselves. These habits are done not as a punishment but as a reward. If they have over indulged on the weekend, they cut themselves a bit of slack and start fresh on Monday with the same healthy habits as before.

They LOVE food and they feel energetic. Having a bowel movement every day comes because of the healthy foods they eat. Their dinner plate is full of colour and they do their best to stay away from the beige foods: pasta, pizza, but they do indulge once in a while. Fat is their friend. Taking two tablespoons of flax oil every day makes them feel satisfied and helps their cravings for sugar leave. They love to eat food from the Garden of Eden and they rarely consume food that is found in the middle of the grocery store. When at a party they look for the fresh veggies and dip and always ask for extra veggies in the restaurant. Their grocery buggies are full of live food. Microwaving is a no-no as they understand that their bodies cannot digest these foods because of the harm microwaves does to the energy of food.

Every day add one of these habits into your daily regime and watch how easy it is. Focusing on adding things into your life is much harder than denying yourself. It is much easier than you think and the results are amazing.

Take the stairs at work, park your car further away and begin your new daily habits and start to really enjoy your body as it is the only one you have. Discover your new found energy which will last a lifetime. Doing all of this, you will NEVER have to weigh your self-esteem!

Jane Durst Pulkys BsC., CNP., RNCP