I have seen many miracles in my life, but never one quite so amazing as the day a monkey appeared on a car windshield outside of my office in Toronto, Canada.

Karen and I first met when she was in her early 20’s.  She was a beautiful girl, but the traumas she’d suffered, had left her with an eating disorder, low self-esteem and instability in her career.  She’d been jumping from job to job, searching for “something to fill the void” deep inside of her.

My job as a healer was to help her heal her past and provide tools and guidance to lead her to a joyous life.

In our initial meeting, I learned her early childhood had seen abuse, neglect, and instability. Her parents, dealing with their own insecurities, often neglected and blamed Karen, even for her own mothers attempted suicide.

During our sessions, I recommended various exercises, countless inspirational books, numerous affirmations and suggested several inspirational movies for her to watch. She loved participating and I loved being a part of her healing journey.  After several sessions, Karen was making huge progress and a beautiful new person was emerging.

Then one day an amazing event occurred; some might even call it a miracle.

Karen arrived at my office around 4pm. As we began to chat, it occurred to her that she’d parked in the rush hour lane, on the street close to where my office was located and that her car was certain to be towed away if she didn’t move it immediately.  She rushed out of the office to do just that.  Sometime later, Karen emerged at the door of my office, grinning from ear to ear. In her hands was a big stuffed monkey!

Stunned I asked her, what had happened to cause this sudden change in her demeanor?

Karen began to tell me about the special relationship that she had with her grandfather as a child. She’d loved him immensely; they shared a very close bond.  He was the only person who made her feel safe and secure.   Once when on a family trip to California, her grandfather bought Karen a two- foot long, stuffed monkey, which immediately became very dear to her. For the first two weeks of vacation she carried the monkey everywhere with her, and then one afternoon it disappeared.

Her grandfather went to the front desk to report the lost item. The manager put out an, ‘all-points bulletin’ for the lost monkey, but unfortunately, it was never found. Karen was heartbroken and never forgot about the lost toy.

Her grandfather died several years later, but his memory was always close in her mind.

‘Jane, someone left this monkey on the hood of my car, and it is exactly like the one my grandfather bought me.’  She said.

I offered her this perspective: “I believe the universe was sending you a sign from your Grandfather; letting you know that he loves you and you are on the right path. Some might even call this, a miracle.”

Each one of us receives divine guidance constantly, whether we know it or not. Sometimes, when we have done the work to change our perspective, a gift is given to us in the form of a miracle. Miracles occur because we have earned them and are willing to recognize them.

Karen’s monkey was the miracle she needed to bring closure to an event in her life, and to show her that she was cared for by this divine presence.

The universe is ALWAYS guiding, teaching and blessing us. It is up to us recognize and have gratitude for the gifts we receive from this universal force.

If you want to experience a miracle in your life, practice gratitude for every little thing you receive.  Begin to look at life through eyes that see the good in others. Forgive others for past hurts. As you change your consciousness, you’ll begin to recognize that miracles are all around you.

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