Jane Durst Pulkys from www.creativehealth.ca teaches a simple recipe for getting your body’s daily omega 3, 6 and 9 requirements.

Many people have heard about the importance of these vital oils but what are essential fatty acids and why are they so important? Essential fatty acids such as omega 3, 6 & 9 are not naturally occurring within the body. These oils must be ingested through foods or supplementation.

Essential fatty acids help with creating healthy cells, in the development and function of the brain and nervous system and help to regulate the thyroid and adrenal glands. These oils are natural anti-inflamitory’s and can help with autoimmune diseases.

In this simple recipe, I teach you how you can satisfy all of your daily essential fatty acid requirements in one great tasting meal.



2 cups of arugala
1/2 cup salmon
3/4 cup of chopped tomato
2 tbsp of chopped onion
5 whole walnuts
1/4 of an avocado diced
2 tbsp flax seed oil
1tbsp balsamic vinegar



Add a bed of arugula salad mix to the bottom of your bowl. Add salmon, chopped tomato’s, onion, walnuts and avocado. Mix flax seed oil and balsamic vinegar in a small bowl. Pour over salad and serve.

With our five new food groups: fast, frozen, fried, junk and processed, is it any wonder that one in five Canadians have Metabolic Syndrome? Your health is in your hands and understanding what Metabolic Syndrome is can save your life.

Your waist circumference is a good indicator of health issues. Abdominal girth is the predictor for your risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and hypertension and more. When your waist circumference is greater than 35 inches for a female and 40 inches for a male, Metabolic Syndrome is likely present.

All of this leads to inflammation in the body. Part of the problem is that toxins are being absorbed from the gut causing inflammation, which results in abdominal fat. One-way to determine if you are at risk is to have your doctor perform a C – reactive protein test, a simple blood test to determine if inflammation is present in the body. The best tool to reverse inflammation is not a drug but the food you put in your mouth.

In a world where Diary is the Queen and Burger is the King, it is no surprise that so many people today have major health issues.

Growing up in the sixties and seventies, it was rare to have an overweight classmate.  It was an oddity to see young people with abdominal fat hanging over their jeans. Today, we see overweight people everywhere.  What changed?  Our food manufactures have modified food so much with additives and artificial flavours, that our bodies are no longer getting the simple nutrients they require. These modified foods are addictive and alter the chemistry of the body while whole, live foods like fruit and veggies are becoming the rarity.

It is a misnomer that fruit contains too much sugar! Fruit raises your glucose level slowly, whereas processed foods spike your glucose levels. The real problem is the glycemic index of our foods. Simply put, food burns fast or slow. “White foods” are the real problem. Those foods are muffins, cakes, donuts, pasta, white rice, ice cream, bagels .pancakes, deserts, cookies that make up 80% of the average person’s diet.

Blood glucose is the primary nutrient for all nerve cells, which is regulated by insulin. Sugar is a treat not meant to be consumed in large quantities. Your pancreas can become overwhelmed by the constant surge of insulin caused by too much sugar, which can create an insulin insensitivity. The increase in insulin concentration leads to high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high adrenalin high cholesterol and hemostasis (which means your blood can clot faster leading to strokes). All these symptoms lead to Metabolic Syndrome.

Prevention is the key in a world that is so busy and where food preparation is no longer a priority. As a busy person, I understand that when a person is hungry, the urge is to eat compulsively, often making poor food choices.  Making conscious choices is the start to health and avoiding Metabolic Syndrome.

Preventing health problems begins with what you put into your mouth. If man made it, don’t eat it. If it comes in a bag, box, pick up window, it probably is processed and high in sugar. If it has passed a chemistry lab on the way to your mouth it will be a problem as well.

Go back to nature. Add those five to seven veggies a day in salads, stews and soups. Eat two to three fruits a day. Add oatmeal and ground flax to your diet. Grab a handful of almonds and walnuts before that biscotti. Add two tablespoons of flax seed oil to your diet. Eat eggs; they are so good for you. Quinoa takes only fifteen minutes to cook and is one of nature’s perfect foods. Eat avocadoes and watch your skin glow. Bypass the coffee shops treats. Instead eat an apple.

Make nutrition fun and colorful and enjoy your newfound energy. Lastly, exercise is the final touch to your vibrant health. If you don’t use it you lose it. I recommend a minimum of one hour of exercise a day. That can be as simple as a walk, swim, bike ride, or yoga class.

Take charge of your health and remember let food be thy medicine!

In health,

Jane Durst Pulkys!

Jane Durst Pulkys presents Toronto’s leading Live Blood Cell Microscopy Training program.
With 12 years experience as a holistic nutritionist and live blood cell analyst, Jane teaches health practitioners and those new to the health  profession how to incorporate live blood cell microscopy into their practices to use as a diagnostic aid.
Live blood cell microscopy, is a process where the practitioner takes a small sample of blood from a patients finger tip and then displays it on a monitor using a high powered dark field microscope. The practitioner is then able to see over 50 aspects of an individuals health and make dietary and supplemental recommendations to help improvement the state of a clients health.
In Jane’s 2 day intensive course, participants become completely certified in Life Blood Cell Microscopy and learn everything they need to know in order to fully integrate live cell analysis into their practice successfully.

For more information or to register for Jane’s next course dates visit https://creativehealth.ca/live-blood-cell-analysis-course/

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from www.creativehealth.ca and this is the final video in my video series, ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres.’

In this final video I talk about the Crown Chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 7. The Crown Chakra is located at the very top of your head and is the beginning of the flow of energy that is channeled through all of the chakra energy centres.

If you experience forced religion, blind obedience, or you had information withheld or mis-communicated to you then this chakra can be put out of balance, creating emotional, mental or physical problems within the body.

If you experienced any of these things and your Crow Chakra is deficient or in excess energy then you can become dominating, have cognitive disorders, or be disconnected from your body.

Some of the physical symptoms associated with the Crown Chakra can be; migraines, right eye problems, learning difficulties, or problems with your brain.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the Crown Chakra.

As a nutritionist and psychosomatic energy therapist, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges. In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance. My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit: https://creativehealth.ca/energy-healing/


Live Blood Cell Microscopy is an essential tool in assessing the quality of everyone’s health.  By taking one drop of blood from your fingertip, then examining it under a Darkfield microscope, over 50 aspects of the state of your health can be clearly determined.

Darkfield Microscopy has been around for more than 80 years, very few family doctors use this tool.  Why?  Two reasons…First, to properly interpret results extensive knowledge of nutrition is needed, the kind of knowledge possessed by licensed holistic nutritionists or naturopaths.  Second, it takes time.  Most doctors have only a few minutes with each patient so there is not enough time to perform this type of detailed test.  However, due to the amount of information given about the state of a person’s health, live Blood Cell Analysis should be as important as checking your blood pressure.


So what does live blood cell show? Your blood never lies!  Live blood reveals cell distortions reflecting your nutritional status.  Low levels of iron, protein, B12 and folic acid are easily detectible.  Incomplete or delayed digestion of proteins and fats can be seen.  It also reveals the acid-alkaline balance, liver stress and the level of toxins in the bowel.  Your blood should move like a river not a swamp.

Live blood cell analysis is a wonderful tool to use as a holistic nutritionist as clients directly participate in the process.  They are able to actually see what is wrong with their cells and how to improve their condition.  It’s an incredible motivator for clients to change their diets and make lifestyle adjustments.  Positive results and a better sense of health can happen very quickly.

As a nutritionist my main focus is always to educate people about what they eat on a daily basis. Our nutrition is the key to our overall health but the five new food groups are playing havoc with our health; frozen, fast, fried, junk and processed.  We live in a time when we are highly educated yet we fail to make the connection between these food groups and poor health.  These foods create a condition called Metabolic Syndrome which leads to diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  Live Blood Cell Analysis exposes the effect these foods have on our bodies.  We would not put the wrong fuel in our car but we continually put the wrong fuel in our bodies.

Each body contains trillions of cells.  These cells need to live in a healthy environment.  They need over 40 different nutrients every day.  Cells can become unhealthy and die for two reasons…deficiency and toxicity.  Both conditions are greatly influenced by diet and lifestyle.

The science of Live Blood Cell Analysis is based on the research of Gaston Naessen who discovered tiny life forms called somatids – a type of bacteria.  Somatids undergo a lifecycle called pleomorphism – moving from a primitive bacteria to a more complex form.  Normally, these bacteria live in the blood stream in a benign state.  But if a person consumes too much protein, sugar or other unhealthy foods, they can grow and alter the ecology of the blood.  Over time imbalances can occur.  Live Blood allows us to see these imbalances and gives us a chance to correct them.  Bacteria grows in a swamp, not in a healthy river.

Live Blood Cell Analysis is a painless, simple test that is one of the best things you can give yourself.  Even if you feel perfectly healthy now, one drop of blood may show you imbalances that may affect your health in the future.

For more information about live blood cell microscopy click here! 

To learn more about my live blood cell microscopy training course click here! 


Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from www.creativehealth.ca and this is video 6 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 6th video I talk about the brow chakra, otherwise known as chakra 6. The brow chakra sits just above the centre of your brow and is the centre of intuition and spiritual sight.

The brow chakra is located in the same place as the third eye and is connected to the pituitary glad, which is the main endocrine organ regulating all of the bodies hormones.

The brow chakra can be put out of balance if in your lifetime you grew up in an unsafe home environment, were told one thing but saw another, weren’t able to establish your own identity, or were made to deny your intuition.

If you experienced any of these things and your brow chakra was affected then these people can find themselves unable to concentrate, having nightmares, poor vision, or seeing what they want in the future.

Some of the physical symptoms associated with the brow chakra can be; the loss of taste and smell, migraines, headaches, vertigo, sinus and ear problems.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the brow chakra.

As a nutritionist and psychosomatic energy therapist, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process.

Stay tuned next week for video 7 where I discuss the crown chakra, which is related to forced religion and blind obedience.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit: https://creativehealth.ca/energy-healing/

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from www.creativehealth.ca and this is video 5 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 5th video I talk about the throat chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 5. The throat chakra sits in the centre of your throat and is the centre of self-expression and communication. The throat chakra can be affected if you have ever experienced emotional abuse, have been criticized a lot, you were surrounded by drug or alcohol abuse or you had to hold secrets in for a long time. If any of these things happen and your throat chakra is out of balance then you may be prone to excessive talking, have a dominating or weak voice, be shy or afraid to speak. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the throat chakra are thyroid problems, soar throat, frequent colds, fever blisters on your mouth and acne under your chin.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the throat chakra including an affirmation by Louis Hay.

As a nutritionist and psychosomatic energy therapist, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process.

Stay tuned next week for video 6 where I discuss the brow chakra, the centre of intuition and spiritual sight.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit: https://creativehealth.ca/energy-healing/

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from www.creativehealth.ca and this is video 4 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 4th video I talk about the heart chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 4. The heart chakra sits in the centre of your chest and involves your heart, lungs and breast. This chakra is the centre of love.  Your heart chakra can be affected if you have ever experienced death, divorce, grief, rejection, betrayal or abandonment. If this happens and this chakra is out of balance then these people can become needy, jealous, codependent, hard on themselves and others, and depressed. Some of the physical conditions related to this chakra are anxiety, asthma, lung problems, breathing difficulties, high blood pressure, and an irregular heartbeat.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the heart chakra including what foods to eat and the activities you can do.

As a nutritionist and psychosomatic energy therapist, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process.

Stay tuned next week for video 5 where I discuss the throat chakra, the centre of communication and self expression.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit: https://creativehealth.ca/energy-healing/

Hi Jane Durst-Pulkys here from www.creativehealth.ca and this is video 3 in the ‘Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Centres Video Series.’

In this 3rd video I talk about the solar plexus chakra, otherwise known as Chakra 3. The solar plexus involves your stomach, liver, gallbladder and your pancreas. Your solar plexus chakra becomes effected if you have grown up with too much or too little responsibility, have had a fear of punishment or if your will was taken away. If this happens and this chakra is out of balance then these people can become a work-a-holic, controlling, competitive, aggressive, bad digestion, fear of loneliness. Some of the physical conditions related to this chakra are eating disorders such as anorexia or belemia, ulsers, diabetes, and digestive issues.

Watch this video to learn what you can do to restore balance to the solar plexus chakra including what foods to eat and activities you can do.

As a nutritionist and energy healer, I work with people helping them to overcome physical and emotional challenges.  In my work I use a system called, Psychosomatic Energy Testing, which helps to detect imbalances in the chakra energy centres. I then use specific remedies to balance these chakras, which then assist in restoring the individual to a state of physical and emotional balance.  My clients have experienced extraordinary changes due to this process, which is why I want to share this important information with you.

Stay tuned next week for video 4 on the heart chakra, otherwise known as chakra 4.

For more information on Balancing the 7 Chakra Energy Systems visit: https://creativehealth.ca/energy-healing/

I have seen many miracles in my life, but never one quite so amazing as the day a monkey appeared on a car windshield outside of my office in Toronto, Canada.

Karen and I first met when she was in her early 20’s.  She was a beautiful girl, but the traumas she’d suffered, had left her with an eating disorder, low self-esteem and instability in her career.  She’d been jumping from job to job, searching for “something to fill the void” deep inside of her.

My job as a healer was to help her heal her past and provide tools and guidance to lead her to a joyous life.

In our initial meeting, I learned her early childhood had seen abuse, neglect, and instability. Her parents, dealing with their own insecurities, often neglected and blamed Karen, even for her own mothers attempted suicide.

During our sessions, I recommended various exercises, countless inspirational books, numerous affirmations and suggested several inspirational movies for her to watch. She loved participating and I loved being a part of her healing journey.  After several sessions, Karen was making huge progress and a beautiful new person was emerging.

Then one day an amazing event occurred; some might even call it a miracle.

Karen arrived at my office around 4pm. As we began to chat, it occurred to her that she’d parked in the rush hour lane, on the street close to where my office was located and that her car was certain to be towed away if she didn’t move it immediately.  She rushed out of the office to do just that.  Sometime later, Karen emerged at the door of my office, grinning from ear to ear. In her hands was a big stuffed monkey!

Stunned I asked her, what had happened to cause this sudden change in her demeanor?

Karen began to tell me about the special relationship that she had with her grandfather as a child. She’d loved him immensely; they shared a very close bond.  He was the only person who made her feel safe and secure.   Once when on a family trip to California, her grandfather bought Karen a two- foot long, stuffed monkey, which immediately became very dear to her. For the first two weeks of vacation she carried the monkey everywhere with her, and then one afternoon it disappeared.

Her grandfather went to the front desk to report the lost item. The manager put out an, ‘all-points bulletin’ for the lost monkey, but unfortunately, it was never found. Karen was heartbroken and never forgot about the lost toy.

Her grandfather died several years later, but his memory was always close in her mind.

‘Jane, someone left this monkey on the hood of my car, and it is exactly like the one my grandfather bought me.’  She said.

I offered her this perspective: “I believe the universe was sending you a sign from your Grandfather; letting you know that he loves you and you are on the right path. Some might even call this, a miracle.”

Each one of us receives divine guidance constantly, whether we know it or not. Sometimes, when we have done the work to change our perspective, a gift is given to us in the form of a miracle. Miracles occur because we have earned them and are willing to recognize them.

Karen’s monkey was the miracle she needed to bring closure to an event in her life, and to show her that she was cared for by this divine presence.

The universe is ALWAYS guiding, teaching and blessing us. It is up to us recognize and have gratitude for the gifts we receive from this universal force.

If you want to experience a miracle in your life, practice gratitude for every little thing you receive.  Begin to look at life through eyes that see the good in others. Forgive others for past hurts. As you change your consciousness, you’ll begin to recognize that miracles are all around you.