
We’ve all heard the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but is there actually any truth to it? The phrase dates back to the 1860s out of Wales. It has evolved from: ‘‘Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”

Ancient Romans boasted about the health properties of Apples and it also ties back to Ayurvedic medicine from 1,500 years ago. They certainly were on to something back then, and there’s a reason the phrase still holds strong today in its simplified form. Essentially all fruits have tremendous nutritional benefits, apples were likely singled out years ago because they are easy to grow and can be stored for a long time, but let’s not negate their tremendous benefits.

Apples are full of beneficial health properties. For starters, they have some of the highest concentration of antioxidants out of all foods. No other fruit can compare to the vitamins and minerals in the cholesterol and uric acid lowering apple. Old apple varieties (that turn brown quickly) are especially rich in polyphenols which actively counteract free-radicals.

Apples contain pectin, a soluble fibre which helps reduce our cholesterol levels and help maintain a healthy digestive system.

Chewing apples stimulates our saliva production which has a host of health benefits for our mouths, namely lowering the levels of bad bacteria and reducing tooth decay.

A 2011 Dutch study found that consuming apples and pears may help prevent strokes.

Another study in 2012 by Ohio State University found that eating an apple a day significantly helped lower the levels of bad cholesterol amongst middle-aged adults.

Strong bones and a healthy brain – Apples contain boron, a nutrient which aids calcium metabolism, gives anti-arthritic properties and has been known to help sharpen our brains.

Apples are loaded with phytonutrients; Vitamins A, E, and Beta-Carotene. These nutrients can help prevent spikes in blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and asthma.

Vitamin C – there’s no shortage of information on health benefits of Vitamin C, one of the best things we can consume for our immune systems which apples contain a good amount of.

Prevention of Gallstones – we get gallstones when we have too much cholesterol in our bile to remain a liquid. Diets high in fibre (go apples!) can help alleviate these conditions.

Better bowl movements – The fiber found in apples can absorb excess water from your stools and pull water out of your colon to keep the tracks moving smoothly.

When eating apples, make sure you eat the skin too. Many of the nutrients are actually located in the skin. I always recommend buying organic foods when you can, and some are more important than others; according to The Environmental Working Group, apples are one of the most heavily pesticide-contaminated produces. Always wash them thoroughly before eating them. Finally, apple seeds should be avoided by pregnant and nursing women as they are toxic when consumed at high doses.


Has anyone ever given you a compliment and you immediately brushed it off as quickly as it came? The person may simply have been admiring something that they found positive in you, yet we are all too fast to dismiss the kind words. Or worse – we end up in a more negative state then we started off in!

This often leaves the other person puzzled as they were truly speaking from their heart. How come so many of us have so much trouble accepting compliments – and how can we take away something positive from these experiences? We have all had so many experiences in life that leave us jaded, and at these times most of us are really our own worst enemy. Without the right attitude, a positive intent can quickly turn negative and rob us of our vitality and our confidence. That doesn’t sound right – does it?

Wouldn’t it just be great if we could say “thank you” and truly believe it? Well you can. The next time you hear someone say to you, “I love your hair”, don’t run your hands through it and say something like “oh I haven’t washed it for a week,” just say thank you! At first you still may not find their words to be genuine or you may innately reject them off the bat, but the more you say thank you the more a funny thing begins to happen; A deep part of your self hears it and you start to feel good! And when you feel good you shine and radiate energy, leading to a snowball effect of positive emotions. Who doesn’t want that?

Like most people, I personally used to have a terrible time accepting compliments. The turning point was during a trip to the Caribbean; My family had just given up our dream home when a close friend invited me and paid for a vacation to Jamaica. One day while I was there, I decided to go mellow out and relax at the spa. I wanted to treat myself but money was tight, and when I got up to leave my friend came in and informed me that the bill was paid for. Of course my first reaction was to dismiss this and say no – he had already done way too much. However, he simply put up his hand and said to me, “Jane, just say thank you”… and so I did.  I realized that by saying no to the gift I was only holding myself back. When we brush off compliments and acts of generosity we are only doing ourselves more harm than good. I realized that I had been doing this my entire life. Are we really meant to turn these things away?

We can all easily compliment others – We’ve all heard people say: “You made my day!” Every so often we’ll compliment someone who knows how to take it, and we’ll see them wiggle with joy. Well it is your turn. Many of us probably don’t even realize how many nice things are actually said to us – we tune them out and dismiss them.

Well friends, I challenge you to make a change and start reaping the benefits of feeling good! Today is a new day. Ask yourself how confident you are from one to ten. If you are not at the top and you have an issue accepting compliments, then start by saying “thank you” and watch what happens. Lastly start complimenting others – Words carry energy and have a tremendous ripple effect. By bringing a light to someone else’s day you can also brighten yours.

You are perfect just the way you are… just say thank you!

Everyone admires a rightfully confident person as they have something that we all want. They seem to walk through life effortlessly. But is confidence taught or is it caught? Being beautiful from the inside out is a process. Many confident people have created habits for themselves which they reinforce every single day. In this article I would like to talk about the first of ten habits that I use every day which maintains my sense of self and fills me with joy and a lust for life.

From early childhood I struggled with confidence and it took me years to feel good about myself. I observed the habits of others, questioned them, and began to adapt and make small changes in how I carried myself. I focused not on the negative, but on the positive. I began to create positive habits in my life without worrying what habits I should drop, as they began to disappear and found no room in my new found outlook.

There are so many things we can do for ourselves and our confidence. It is really up to you as no one else can do this for you. If you want change in your life then take these steps as life passes us pretty fast. Ideally each of us wants to be confident and never feel that we can’t do it. You can. I love to watch the Olympics on TV for two reasons. First, their athleticism is incredible and those who win knew they were going to win! They saw the gold medal in their mind’s eye and believed in it from a very early age. So it’s no surprise to me when they are the ones standing on the podium!

 Keeping your Eye on the Prize

When I was a teenager I was sitting on a dock in the summertime and I observed a seagull circle above the water. Around and around he went and then finally he splashed into down into the water and pulled out a fish in a seemingly effortless fashion. He kept his eye on the prize. This is what we need to do. First, know what you want and secondly never take your attention off of your goal.  Maybe you don’t know what you want? Then ask yourself: if you could wave a magic wand in your life what would you like to happen right now. Think about that. Maybe it is a new job or relationship. Life is like a restaurant; we have to put our order in. Once you know what it is, it is there for the taking – but how do you do that?  Your thoughts have energy and everything is energy. When you put energy into something it draws it closer to you.

15 Times a Day

The first exercise I would like to share with you is the 15 Times a Day Exercise. Write your goal down 15 times a day by hand every day until it becomes a reality. If you want a mate but don’t leave the house you will never meet anyone, so you have to do your part. By writing it 15 times a day magical things begin to happen. It can be a goal or a statement of how you want to perceive yourself; it could be “I am beautiful”, “I am Happy”, “I am confident”, “I am in a loving relationship”, “I am getting a raise”… When I first started this myself I was at a crossroads and did not know what to do. Someone told me about this exercise and I began to practice it. Mine was really long and it took me a long time to write it, but it was worth it.

It was, “I am happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous, and live in an abundant spiritual and emotional world”.  Today my business is growing beyond my expectations and I am grateful for having so many loving and amazing people in my life. One week after I started this exercise I had an offer to join a medical team and two weeks later my father knocked on my door and handed me a gift of money. He told me that my 8 siblings and I were all getting the same amount. I was floored. My parents had never done anything like that before. When I wasn’t writing it I was saying it over and over in my head. Maybe it was by chance, but believe it or not six months later I won five thousand dollars in the Canadian Cancer Society Lottery. By repeating your goal over and over to yourself, you become a magnet – attracting things that help you make it a reality. It is so simple – you just have to do your part. If you want change then make change happen. No one can do it for you. You are going down a new road and so many surprises await you. Just watch what happens.

Have an attitude of wonderment and let the universe fill in the blanks. Set your goals, expect the best, allow for the unexpected and be grateful for the gifts that come your way.

Did you know that the average human vibrates at a rate of 62 to 68 MHz. This vibration is literally your electrical charge, which translates in energy. Bruce Tainio created a frequency monitor called a BT3 Frequency Monitoring system that measures the frequency and or the vibration of the body. The rate in which your body vibrates is affected by many variables however there are ways that you can consciously increase our vibration in very simple ways.

Often people think that those with “lots” of energy are just lucky but they make very specific life choices which increase their energy. Eating well, exercising and taking time off has such a positive affect on ones energy . Eating fast, frozen, fried junk and processed foods will deplete you as they have no energy left in them.

Emotions also have vibrations. When you are feeling happy or joyful you vibrate at a higher level. On the other hand when you are sad or angry you will vibrate at a lower level. Your immune system will drop when your vibration drops. When someone has a cold or flu they will vibrate at 57-60 MHz. Your body is even more susceptible  to cancer when the vibration is 42MHz or lower.

A negative mental state can drop your vibration by 10-12MHz and a positive mental state can increase your vibration by 10-15MHz. If one wants to increase their vibration then eating fresh ripe fruits, organic vegetables and drinking freshly squeezed juices will change the vibration. You can actually feel it when you eat these foods. These foods are raw and they contain great enzymes and energy absorbed from the sun.  Foods that contain medium amounts of energy are nuts, seeds, maple syrup, sprouted grains, cooked vegetables and raw sheep dairy. Foods that contain the lowest amount of energy are cooked grains like muffins. pancakes and any thing made from white flour. A BIG MAC has vibrate at a rate of 5 MHz vs. green vegetable which are 70-90 MHz; higher then your own body!

It is important to eat food in its most natural state. Your dinner plate should be full of colour. The more colour the more alive the food is and the more alive you will feel. Microwaving your foods will diminish the energy as well. So take some time to reevaluate your energy. You want to wake up feeling like a 10 and go to bed feeling like a 10.

Take the challenge…. eat whole live foods for the next 21 days and see how much better you feel!!!

Jane Durst Pulkys presents Toronto’s leading Live Blood Cell Microscopy Training program.
With 12 years experience as a holistic nutritionist and live blood cell analyst, Jane teaches health practitioners and those new to the health  profession how to incorporate live blood cell microscopy into their practices to use as a diagnostic aid.
Live blood cell microscopy, is a process where the practitioner takes a small sample of blood from a patients finger tip and then displays it on a monitor using a high powered dark field microscope. The practitioner is then able to see over 50 aspects of an individuals health and make dietary and supplemental recommendations to help improvement the state of a clients health.
In Jane’s 2 day intensive course, participants become completely certified in Life Blood Cell Microscopy and learn everything they need to know in order to fully integrate live cell analysis into their practice successfully.

For more information or to register for Jane’s next course dates visit