
There is a secret to achieving optimal health. People think that if they simply take care of their physical body by eating right and exercising, all will be well. However, what most individuals fail to realize is the importance of supporting the emotional, body a subtler body then the physical. Unless both the physical and emotional aspects of our health are supported equally, optimal health can’t be realized.

Every person you meet, everything you eat, everything you do has either a positive, negative, or neutral influence on the body. For example, have you ever gone for lunch with someone and left the meeting completely exhausted? What has happened here is that they have depleted your energy, and can affect you for the rest of the day or longer.  We can compare this to our finances: Say you had $100 per day to use as you wish. You could give your money away, allow people to steal it, or save it for yourself. For optimal health we want to treat our energy the way we would treat the $100 and save it for ourselves to increase our personal vitality, continuously giving it away or allowing it to be stolen would not be living optimally.

There are 7 energy centres along your spine whose job it is to store information at a cellular level. The health of these centres ultimately effects how the cells in our body function. One of the centres or third chakra or is located in the stomach area. This energy centre affects the health of the stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Emotionally, this area represents our self-esteem and personal power, and is affected by experiences either positive or negative.

Dynamics from family environment impact the health of these centres. Growing up with too much or not enough responsibility, fear of punishment, lack of free will, can result in an imbalance in our centres referred to as excess or inadequate. Repercussions from an imbalance in the power column of our third energy centre can include: stomach or liver problems; type-A personality; aggressiveness; angry, arrogant, or competitive behaviours; poor digestion, low self-esteem, or a fear of loneliness.

To correct imbalances in the 7 centres, Jane Pulkys works with a system called Psychosomatic Energetic Testing. This state of the art system, tests for weaknesses in any of the 7 chakra centres and identifies remedies for specific symptoms which correlate to the specific chakra involved.  The remedies balance and remove interferences at a cellular level. This system is simple, easy and effective. It restores the body to its natural balanced state and restores health to 100% vitality. [fullWidth][/fullWidth][outerOneHalf][/outerOneHalf]

Imagine feeling so good that you can hardly wait to get out of bed each day. It’s likely that you’ve felt this way at least once.  If you never have, it would probably be difficult to imagine, and the same holds true for health in general. Without a benchmark for feeling the incredible vitality that comes from eating foods which are alive and full of energy, you might find it difficult to imagine and motivate yourself to make the changes necessary to achieve this level of health.

Today the cells in my body are energized. Every cell in my body is working 100%, but it wasn’t always this way. Once upon a time I was like most of society, with the majority of my diet consisting of the FIVE new “food groups”: fast, fried, junk, processed and frozen.  Because these foods lack colour, enzymes, water and fibre, they are essentially dead and provide little or no vitality.

As a nutritionist, my success comes from teaching people how to make these changes easily. There are really only three things you need to do. You must take care of what you put in your mouth, what you put in your mind and what you do to keep your body in peak form. Try this twenty one day regime to end your reliance on chemicals, starches, and sugars, and discover how it feels to have all your cells literally vibrating with health.

STEP ONE: Try this for the next twenty one days. I like to call this the twenty one day WHITEOUT. Don’t eat any white foods at all. That would include all boxed cereals, white bread, sugar, bagels, muffins, dairy, cookies, pasta, chips… you get the drift. It seems that most people eat this way. Instead of these foods EAT three to five fruits, five to seven veggies. It will seem like a lot but the cells in your body are craving nutrients, minerals, enzymes and fibre. Do you ever wonder why, when you go to a restaurant, you feel as though you could almost eat the whole basket of white bread? It’s because there are virtually no minerals in white flour and your body and brain are searching for fuel.

STEP TWO: Drink six to eight glasses of clean filtered water a day.

STEP THREE: Avoid: pop and diet foods of any kind; reduce your coffee and tea consumption; DO NOT eat margarine. Use stevia to sweeten your foods; use only olive, coconut and grape seed oils.

STEP FOUR: Add some super foods into your diet, such as quinoa, flax seeds, flax seed oil, walnuts, chia seeds, goji berries, bee pollen and raw cacao.

Be creative and have fun – your plate at each meal should be an array of colour. Planning meals should never be about counting calories, but simply about satisfying your body’s needs, which will prevent cravings for less nutritional foods. Adding just two tablespoons of flax seed oil to your diet can completely banish sugar cravings. Oatmeal with berries, cinnamon, walnuts and ground flax seeds along with almond milk is a great breakfast. A protein filled fruit shake at breakfast is also a great way to start the day, and lunch can be as easy as a chicken avocado salad with tomatoes and walnuts. Dinner can be grilled fish, butternut squash, asparagus and coconut quinoa. Snacks might include hummus and celery or homemade popcorn and olives. Be creative. These foods are easy to prepare and, surprisingly, they cost less than packaged foods!

STEP FIVE: Exercise. Yes, we need to move our bodies all the time. Your body is meant to move every day, not sit for hours upon hours. Did you know that one pound of fat burns three calories an hour, whereas one pound of muscle burns fiftycalories an hour? Not that we are counting calories, but the more muscle you have, the more you burn, and thus your body will end up working for you  – not against you. It might sound cliché, but I believe that if you don’t use it you lose it. Walking every day is a fun and simple way to bring more energy and vitality to your life; a minimum of an hour a day is great. I am addicted to Bikram yoga. I have never felt anything like it; it just makes your body feel more alive. You leave with so much energy and can sleep like a baby. The best part is that you will only want to feed your body healthy foods after treating it so well. I find that doing yoga two to five times a week totally makes me feel happy and healthy, not to mention reduces mental stress. I exercise every day. I take the stairs, park my car far away from my destination, and avoid using the car whenever possible. The results from implementing these changes will be immediately evident in your awesome bowel habits, high energy levels, and – wait for it – great skin!

On the flip side, it is important to remember that the biggest negative impact we can have on our healthy, happy bodies is emotional stress. If we do not bring ourselves into balance psychologically, we cannot achieve optimal health.

So now that you have an idea of how you could feel each day, take the 21 day challenge and revamp your health. Soon, you’ll know the reality of feeling vital, healthy and happy 24/7 and 365 days a year!

Yours in health,

Jane Durst Pulkys

Ever wonder why people have so much pain and they simply don’t feel well. Well it’s no wonder since we live in a world where Dairy is the Queen and Burger is the King.

Of course we also have our Five New Food Groups- frozen, fast, fried, junk and processed. All of  these foods just add up to chronic inflammation. They have no water, enzymes, minerals, fibre and vitamins. Your body is meant to eat foods that have come from  Garden of Eden.

Let’s look at our typical diet.  Breakfast… coffee, creme and sugar, followed by a white bagel and creme cheese. Lunch is a fried white rice dish with some chicken. Dinner is pizza and garlic bread because you are in a hurry and need to get the kids to baseball.

All of what you ate is going to cause inflammation.Why, because these foods are acid forming. Translation they create an acidic body. They lack minerals which are the catalyst to all biological activities. Inflammatory foods are the white ones mostly. Bagels, pancakes, white bread, candies, pop, donuts, muffins, pizza and potato chips.

Your body has a very difficult time knowing  just what to do with these foods. Not to mention you are supposed to have a bowel movement every day in less than 20 seconds!

So when you consume these foods on a regular basis they cause acidity and remember it is what you do 80% of the time that matters most to avoid chronic inflammation. Eighty per cent of your diet is supposed to be alkaline.  Eating 5 fruits and 7 vegetable servings a day is a sure way to keep your body alkaline and reduce inflammation. This does not mean that meat is bad it simply means that we need to eat more whole foods in their most natural state.

I like to say if man made it don’t eat it. If  it comes in a bag, box, pick up window don’t eat it.If  it has a bar code don’t eat it!  So what else can we do?

Introducing Betalains…..they are polyphenols, nitrogen containing water soluble pigments often red purple called beta-cyanins. English please… the red dye found in beets are highly effective in repairing and stabilizing human cells, acting as antioxidants and improving health in general.

Betalains have an anti inflammatory effect on the body. Even Dr. Oz is talking about them. Eating them in a concentrate has been proven to increase energy by 122% and reduce inflammation by 47%. Now those are great numbers . You can eat them every day or take a pill which has the concentrate of 400 beets in one pill. That is a lot of Betalains. My favorite product is Limitless. A tiny pill only containing  the highest amounts of Betalians.

Next Blog….Just What Does Your Body Need To Thrive…?

The  universe is always working on our behalf. Everyday we all receive the same amount of it’s energy. It is up to us to pay attention to the signs we are all receiving. I like to call these waking dreams. A waking dream is when something so bizarre happens to you. Something completely out of the ordinary.

So here I was at 40 years ,going back to school. I wanted to become a Naturopathic Doctor. I had to go back to the University of Toronto to update my courses. I needed to brush up on  Biochemistry. I never did really like it back then. I had to hire a tutor as I had forgotten so much. One day while going to meet Allan my tutor I noticed in the distance, quite a bit of commotion on the street. Fire trucks, police, ambulances and lots of people. As I got closer I also noticed that there were about eight fully clothes swat police officers with there GUNS.. Next thing I knew I was right beside them. What was going on. Then I looked up. I had walked into a movie set.. So as usual I asked myself where was I going? I was going to Biochemistry tutoring sessions which feels like a war zone. I knew in that moment I was not to complete my studies and so I bailed.

These waking dreams happen so often we just never really pay attention to them..So now I look for them every where. They are put in our path everyday to uplift you in consciousness. I love them and they happen so often .. WE  recently sold our  house and began the long job of trying to find somewhere else to live…Then we found it. It was perfect. We both decided  that we would put an offer in on the Tuesday night. Our agent called to tell us that already at four o’clock there were eleven offers. We were very confused as to what to do. So I decided to take a walk. While on my walk I called a friend to ask her her opinion. She said ask for a sigh as to what to do…Well five minutes later I found fifty fridge magnets on the ground.

I leaned down to  pick some up and here is what they said.Faithful, morning, chase, if, together, happy, good…  I called my husband and I told him what I had found. We together decided to not put in an offer. Yes the universe did send us a sign and here is how I interpreted it. If we do not chase we will be happy together in the morning just have faith. Well that night the house sold for one hundred thousand dollars over asking.

WE are always protected…next blog , Karen and the monkey…..

I’m lookin’ for a blog so that if you kiss this frog, I’ll be happier than a dog
Looking for some boost in the mind and soul to roost keeping my thoughts nice and juiced !! Learning from afar from the kind soul that you are making me feel like a star !

Finally my first blog…. I have wanted to write this for a very long time. My client sent me the above email and so here we go!
In my 53 years on this planet   I have learned so much. I am going to share with you timeless secrets which have brought me unbelievable happiness, joy, love , friendships and opportunities of the greatest kind.

Even before health foods were popular in the 70′s I had a stash of them! Growing up with 8 brothers and sisters I had to hide my granola and wheat germ… Once I made my own shampoo in a Real Lemon bottle and stored it in the fridge. Well two  days later as my mother marinated the fish she almost killed me…I knew I was on a life long journey into health when I received a hanging Bird bell for Christmas the one made out of suet. That was my Christmas present from my brother Dan…

I struggled with my self esteem as a little girl but I always knew in my heart that I had a special purpose in this life and that I mattered. My first full time job after graduating from University was to run a health food store for Dominion Stores called Natures Cupboard. It was a huge success.

Five years later Dominion pretty much closed their doors. I had been given an opportunity to learn all about vitamins, herbs and the foods that can heal the body. It  was there that I met my friend Todd who is one of my closest friends and he inspires everyday to take the next step. After raising three boys I felt a strong need to fulfill my life’s purpose, but what? I was forty one years old and wondered what was I going to do for the rest of my life. I seriously didn’t even know how to operate a computer. Thanks Todd for teaching me. I get better at it every day.

I always saw myself in a role of a true health practitioner, one who could guide and be apart of one’s healing journey. I saw my office in my mind and visualized how it would be. But where and how  was the million dollar question. My dear friend Pam used to ask  me , Jane what do you love to do more than anything else in the world  that you would be willing to do for free?…that is what you should be doing!

So I began the search….stay tuned to my next update where ended up being surrounded by swat police officers as I was embarking on my next step…