Everybody goes through ups and downs in their lives, nothing is plain sailing. For so many people they are real struggles, in fact 1 in 8 Canadians has suffered from symptoms in their lifetime. And so, looms the word, Depression.

Depression… that word that describes anything from a bad day to that overwhelming inability to live life. It slowly takes over a person’s life, creeping up and building over time, then as if suddenly and out of the blue that famous back cloud looms overhead. You may feel so low that things you previously enjoyed no longer hold that same joy, you find it harder to get out of bed in the morning, you drag yourself through each and every day. All color has gone out of the rainbow… all oxygen out of the air.

Not just your mind… In an era when sadly depression affects so many peoples lives, we seem to forget one thing, that depression doesn’t just affect your mind but your entire body.  Physically you become exhausted, you may have stomach complaints, muscle and joint pain. It causes change in weight and appetite, skipping meals or ravenously hungry and quite often a very strong desire for sweet foods. As if its not bad enough that your mind is feeling battered and torn but your body is falling apart too.

What goes into your mouth… While most people can see the connection between nutrition and physical illness, they rarely see the link between depression and nutrition. Well I am here to tell you that what you put in your mouth, your diet, plays a huge role in depression. Studies suggest that you up your chance of suffering from depression by 60% if your diet is largely processed foods. So can you eat your way to a better state of mind? Absolutely; making certain changes to your diet can help boost your mental health.

My top 5 foods to boost your mental health…..

Dark Leafy Greens – The most nutrient-dense, most powerful immune boosting, inflammation fighter and the healthiest food of all would be dark leafy greens, e.g. Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard

Walnuts – Richest source of omega-3 fatty acids – supporting brain function and potentially reducing depression.

Avocado – containing healthy fats that your brain needs in order to run smoothly, they are power foods also containing a range of vitamins, protein, fibre and are low in sugar.

Seeds – Flaxseed, hemp or chia all are small but mighty sources of Omega-3 which is good for your mood.

Apples – ripe with antioxidants and fiber which balances blood sugar swings

Beans – These are good for your mood as your body digests them slowly which stabilizes blood sugar levels

No, No, No. While making the change in your diet and adding in these superfoods, you have to remember that there may be foods that you need to eliminate, foods that trigger mood swings and imbalances.

Foods that need to be kicked to the curb: Sugar, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, fast food, high sodium foods, trans fats as seen in margarine, snack food and packaged baked goods, refined carbs such as pasta, donuts, candy and white bread.

Bring the colour back: feeling depressed, sad or miserable? Well part of the answer possibly lies within the food you are eating. People may tell you to socialize, go for some retail therapy, get drunk or a whole list of other things but what you never hear is that a stepping stone to happiness may lie in good nutrient rich food.  While nutrition is only part of the remedy for depression, it’s a good start. So, bring some colour back into your diet, ditch the refined processed foods switch them for healthy colourful fruits, veg and nuts and slowly you will see the colour creep back into your mood and watch your life brighten up again. You were born to be healthy and happy, use nutrition as a tool to help you be the best version of yourself.


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