
One of the biggest roadblocks today in people’s pursuit of better health is often something we overlook. More and more people today are having issues with their health and they can’t seem to pinpoint that nagging cause of their problems. The cause may be food allergies they didn’t know they had. If one parent has allergies then one in every four of his or her offspring will have some allergies as well. Red cheeks, red ears, lack of alertness, eye wrinkles, aggression, blowing your nose all the time and those dark circles under your eyes can all be a sign that you are allergic to something. Ever see a child constantly pushing upwards on their nose? This is probably an allergy to milk products. Take a look at your tongue. If it is mottled or looks like a map of the world you may be eating something that your body is allergic to.

Other signs are puffiness under the eyes, diarrhea, insomnia, asthma attacks, fatigue, anxiety, constipation, hives, cramping and even bloating and swelling.

There are other parts of the body that can be affected by allergies. Unfortunately these are not always suspected, recognized or even agreed upon. Often parents are told that their children’s complaints couldn’t be an allergic reaction.

Food allergies and sensitivities are on the rise, due to environmental degradation, chemicals and the reliance on the Five New Food Groups, Fast, Frozen, Fried Junk and Processed. Yet it so often goes undetected. Food allergies can be immediate or delayed (90- to 95% of immune reactions to foods are delayed symptoms onset food allergies) so trying to figure out what it is, can be tricky.

One of the classic forms of testing is known as a skin prick test. Here a doctor pricks your skin using about 100 different food substances and then they observe the reaction 15 minutes later. The shortfall of this type of testing is that foods being tested will show a reaction from 6 to 48 hours later, rendering the test incomplete.

There is an alternative diagnostic tool for determining allergies – and that is an elimination diet. This method is good but it is also very time consuming.

Another way and one of the best methods I have found to determine if you are eating foods that you are allergic to, is known as an ELISA Test (Enzyme–Linked Immunosorbent Assay). This test is done by a practitioner who effortlessly draws four drops of blood from your finger, and has it tested for 96 different foods. There are seven categories of foods which are Dairy, Meat/Fowl, Seafood, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts and Grains and Miscellaneous such as coffee, sugar and yeast. The assay is specifically designed to detect circulation food specific immunoglobulin known as IgG and IgA. Once the test is complete you get a personalized report of the foods that you are allergic to or you have food sensitivities and to which degree.

My clients who have used the ELISA test are thrilled with the results as their symptoms are quick to subside. This can change your life so that you can become more content, happy and free of symptoms. Weight management is the biggest bonus as once these foods are eliminated your body almost always sheds those last pounds that you have struggled with for so long.

Happy Healthy Allergy Free New Year!

Jane Durst Pulkys